participiants have registered for our events so far in 2024


Past events 2009

Bern   14.12.2009

The Mystery of Garbage Collection:

Tuning und neuer Garbage First (G1) Collector

SPEAKER 1: Angelika Langer   COMPANY: AngelikaLanger.com
SPEAKER 2: Klaus Kreft
KEYWORDS: Tools, Concept, Product

Die Garbage Collectoren in der virtuellen Maschine von Sun sind mit jedem Release weiter entwickelt worden. Mittlerweile sieht sich der Benutzer einer verwirrenden Vielzahl von GC-Varianten und Konfigurationsparametern gegenüber. Um Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen werden in diesem Tutorial die verschiedenen Garbage Collectoren erläutert und eingeordnet und es werden Strategien für das GC-Tuning besprochen.


Zürich   26.11.2009

NetBeans Platform:

das bessere Swing Application Framework

SPEAKER 1: Anton Epple   COMPANY: Eppleton IT Consulting
SPEAKER 2: Geertjan Wielenga   COMPANY: Sun Microsystems

KEYWORDS: Product, Tools

Die populäre Entwicklungsumgebung NetBeans wird auf einer Softwareplattform ausgeliefert, die auch für eigene Projekte genutzt werden kann. Selbst langjährige Nutzer wissen oft nicht, dass ihnen damit ein mächtiges Framework für eigene Swing-Anwendungen zur Verfügung steht. Eingefleischte Fans hingegen schwören auf die ausgereifte Plattform und vor allem das Trio aus Lookups, Modulen und Dateisystem, den grundlegenden architektonischen Konzepten der Plattform. Auch in die aktuelle Literatur zum Thema API-Entwurf haben diese Ideen Eingang gefunden. Höchste Zeit sich einmal genauer damit zu befassen, was bei NetBeans unter der Haube steckt.


Zürich   18.11.2009


in der Praxis

SPEAKER 1: Peter Brantschen   COMPANY: Netcetera AG
SPEAKER 2: Marcel Kessler   COMPANY: Netcetera AG
SPEAKER 3: Stefan Walkner   COMPANY: Netcetera AG

KEYWORDS: Lessons learned, Technology

Auf ihrer Homepage beschreibt Google GWT wie folgt: "With Google Web Toolkit (GWT), you write your AJAX front-end in the Java programming language which GWT then cross-compiles into optimized JavaScript that automatically works across all major browsers. During development, you can iterate quickly in the same "edit - refresh - view" cycle you're accustomed to with JavaScript, with the added benefit of being able to debug and step through your Java code line by line. When you're ready to deploy, GWT compiles your Java source code into optimized, standalone JavaScript files."


Zürich   30.10.2009

Buckminster and p2

Build, Assemble, and Provision Eclipse and your RCP applications.

SPEAKER: Henrik Lindberg   COMPANY: Cloudsmith Inc.

KEYWORDS: Concept, Technology, Tools

This talk shows how automated builds and assembly of RCP applications and p2 repositories can be made in a few easy steps using Eclipse Buckminster, and Equinox p2.


Zürich   29.10.2009


with Java, Spring, Hibernate, BlazeDS, and Flex

SPEAKER: James Ward   COMPANY: Adobe

KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools, Product

Java developers want to use what they already know to build great software. Rich Internet Applications allow us to build better software but with many of the options out there developers have to replace what they know with a new software stack. This session will help you learn how to use what you already know to begin building RIAs. For those new to Flex the session it will cover the basics of connecting a Flex application to a Java back-end powered by Spring and Hibernate. There will be tons of code aimed at those looking to make the move to RIA.


Zürich   15.10.2009


No More Loops

SPEAKER: Mario Fusco   COMPANY: Ex Machina

KEYWORDS: Concept, Tools

LambdaJ library makes it easy to manipulate collections in a pseudo-functional and statically typed way. To iterate over collections and nested loops is often error prone, particularly when mixed with conditional statements, and it is difficult to read and maintain the resulting code. LambdaJ uses functional programming techniques to address these issues while preserving the advantages of static typing in Java.


Zürich   08.10.2009

OSGi for the Enterprise

Current and Future Direction

SPEAKER: Eric Newcomer   COMPANY: Credit Suisse

KEYWORDS: Concept, Technology, Tools

The presentation will provide an overview of the OSGi modularity standard, including a brief introduction, its current level of adoption, what's in the new release (R4.2 is being published in September), and the current debates about its use in enterprise Java.


Zürich   29.09.2009

Agile RESTful Web Development

SPEAKER: Michael Marth   COMPANY: Day

KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools

This talk will provide a general overview of the REST architectural style as well as a hands-on lab to develop RESTfulweb applications.


Zürich   17.09.2009

Maven, M2Eclipse, Nexus & Hudson:

Next Generation Development Infrastructure

SPEAKER: Jason van Zyl   COMPANY: Sonatype

KEYWORDS: Concept, Tools, Technology

All development organizations eventually converge on a set of tools to reduce costs, lower onboarding time, and leverage knowledge in strong communities to create standard processes. To this end we see in many organizations the emergence of a standard development stack consisting of Maven, M2Eclipse, Nexus & Hudson. In this talk, Jason van Zyl, founder of the Apache Maven project, will discuss the future of Maven and specifically Maven 3.x, the rapidly approaching M2Eclipse 1.0 release, the upcoming Nexus 1.4 release, and changes that have been made to Hudson to provide better interoperability with Maven. Sonatype itself leverages this stack on a daily basis and this discussion will focus not only on the tools individually, but how they can work together to create a best practices approach to building and delivering your software in your organization.


Zürich   15.09.2009

Java Portlet Standard overview

(JSR 168 / JSR 286)

SPEAKER: Martin Weiss   COMPANY: Martin Weiss Informatik AG

KEYWORDS: Concept, Research, Technology

Java portlets started to become popular after the first version of the Java Portlet Specification, the Java Specification Request (JSR) 168, was finished in 2003 at the Java Community Processes. Since then, nearly all the vendors in the Java portal space, both commercial an open-source vendors, have implemented this standard, and developers have written portlets using the Java Portlet API.
The JSR 168, however, stoppend at defining the overall UI component model and did not define any means for building integrated composite applications out of these components. This limitation, and many other things that didn't make it into V1.0 due to time constraints, is now addressed in V2.0. The final version of JSR 268 was submitted in February 2008.
The presentation gives a wrap-up of JSR 168 and introduces the main new features in JSR 268.


Zürich   07.07.2009


Data Grids Reloaded

SPEAKER: Galder Zamarreño   COMPANY: JBoss - a division of Red Hat

KEYWORDS: Methods, Technology

Infinispan is JBoss's next generation data grid plattform. The aim of this is to introduce the audience to Infinispan, starting with a comparison with JBoss Cache and explaining the motivation that lead to its development. Infinispan's new features, such as consistent hash distribution and asynchronous API, will also be explained. Finally, the session will finish with a short demo of Infinispan's distribution capabilities and connectivity with an Amazon S3 cache store via JClouds.


Zürich   09.06.2009

RIA mit dem AJAX-Framework ZK:

Boost your productivity!

SPEAKER: Daniel Seiler   COMPANY: AdNovum Informatik AG

KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools

Im Schatten von GWT und anderen RIA-Frameworks mit entsprechend grösserem Werbebudget ist in den letzten Jahren ein weiteres Java-basiertes AJAX-Framework mit dem Namen ZK zu einer ernstzunehmenden Alternative für die Entwicklung von modernen Web2.0-Geschäftsanwendungen herangewachsen. Über eine Million Downloads auf Sourceforge.net zeugen von der wachsenden Beliebtheit dieses Frameworks.


Zürich   03.06.2009

Flexotasks: a restricted programming model

facilitating the construction of (hard) real-time tasks in Java

SPEAKER: Jesper Honig Spring   COMPANY: EPFL

KEYWORDS: Research, Technology, Lessons learned, Tools

Achieving sub-millisecond response times in Java introduces significant implementation challenges. The Achilles' heel is Java's reliance on garbage collection (GC), which when used in commercial Java VMs typically are designed to maximize the performance for predictability. Consequently, GC introduces execution interference that can easily reach hundreds of milliseconds. Another source of interference relates to the integration of real-time tasks with a time-oblivious code. Typical programming practices for sharing data between threads involve synchronized access to shared data. In a real-time system this might lead to unbounded blocking of the real-time thread, so-called priority inversion, causing serious deadlines misses. Faced with these challenges a system designer typically has two options: to deploy a real-time GC (RTGC), or to restrict the programming model. Even though RTGCs achieve much improved predictability over traditional stop-the-world garbage collectors, some applications have temporal requirements beyond what is possible with state-of-the-art RTGCs. Moreover, real-time garbage collectors still face the problem of priority inversion.


Zürich   18.05.2009


Übersicht, Technologie und Road Map

SPEAKER: Terrence Barr   COMPANY: Sun Microsystems Deutschland, GmbH

KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools

JavaFX ist eine neue Plattform von Sun Microsystems, welche "expressive content" und Rich Internet Applications (RIA) auf einer breiten Palette von Plattformen ermöglicht - vom Desktop und Web Browser hin zu mobilen Geräten und Unterhaltungsplattformen.


Zürich   14.05.2009

Airtraffic Visualization:

Eine Echtzeit Google Maps Mashup Anwendungsstudie

SPEAKER: Karl Rege   COMPANY: Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)

KEYWORDS: Tools, Lessons learned

In den letzten Jahren erfreuen sich Mashups, insbesondere von Daten, die georeferenziert werden können, einer zunehmenden Beliebtheit. Dies hat auch mit dem Umstand zu tun, dass mit Google Maps und Earth zwei Kartengrunddienste mit einer einfach verwendbaren programmatischen Schnittstelle gratis und für jedermann zugänglich zur Verfügung stehen. So existieren mittlerweile Tausende von Web-Seiten, die Mashups mit statischen Daten darstellen.


Zürich   28.04.2009

The Eclipse Packaging Project

and its Usage Data Collector in RAP and RCP Applications

SPEAKER: Markus Knauer   COMPANY: EclipseSource

KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools, Research

Wouldn't it be interesting to see and record your users interacting with your Eclipse RAP or Eclipse RCP application? You would see how often individual parts of the application are used, acquire indicators on the usability of your software and gain insights into how you can improve your user interface.


Zürich   06.04.2009


from commercial, proprietary J2EE Application Servers to JBoss

SPEAKER 1: Markus Grieder   COMPANY: Crealogix E-Business AG
SPEAKER 2: Christoph Kuhn   COMPANY: Crealogix E-Business AG

KEYWORDS: Lessons learned, Methods

For several reasons, many companies use JBoss as their target platform for mission critical applications. Moreover, they migrate their mission critical J2EE applications running on commercial proprietary J2EE Application Servers to JBoss.
In this talk, we will present a list of technical items that need to be considered when planning and performing a migration project. This know-how is backed on hands-on experience gained from several migration projects.
This Talk will be held in German with English slides.


Zürich   26.03.2009


SPEAKER: Mike Mannion   COMPANY: Canoo Engineering AG

KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools

Die experimentelle Anwendung MusicPinboard schöpft Features von JavaFX aus, um einen multimedialen Zugang zu Musikinfos, Bildern und Videos für Desktop- und Mobile-Plattformen zu ermöglichen. Deren Entwicklung fand dank der direkt auf graphische Interfaces ausgerichteten Syntax innerhalb weniger Wochen statt. Canoos Mike Mannion berichtet über die guten und die weniger guten Erfahrungen mit der Entwicklung dieser Anwendung, zeigt welche Werkzeuge dafür eingesetzt wurden, und offeriert eine Einschätzung der Technologie aus der Sicht einer Firma, die seit über zehn Jahren auf Rich Internet Applications (RIA) spezialisiert ist.


Zürich   13.03.2009

Java EE 6 and next generation load balancing with mod_cluster:

A glimpse at the future

SPEAKER 1: Jason T. Greene   COMPANY: JBoss - a division of Red Hat
SPEAKER 2: Brian Stansberry   COMPANY: Red Hat, Inc.

KEYWORDS: Concept, Technology, Product

We are again proud to announce two prominent speakers, both flown in from the United States: The lead of the Jboss Application Server and technical lead of the Application Server Clustering!


Zürich   24.02.2009

Open Source Portale im Vergleich:

Liferay / JBoss Portal / Exo Portal

SPEAKER: Benjamin Bratkus   COMPANY: Credit Suisse

KEYWORDS: Technology, Product

Ein Portal ist definiert als eine Applikation, welche basierend auf Webtechnologien einen zentralen Zugriff auf personalisierte Inhalte sowie bedarfsgerecht auf Prozesse bereitstellt.


Zürich   21.01.2009


A Java API for Quantitative Finance

SPEAKER: Dominik Holenstein   COMPANY: 3M (Schweiz) AG

KEYWORDS: Tools, Technology

JQuantLib is a free, open-source, comprehensive framework for quantitative finance, written in Java, aiming to offer several mathematical and statistical tools needed for valuation of financial instruments like options, bonds and alike. In spite of JQuantLib being based on QuantLib, which is written in C++, it is not intended to be a mere translation from C++ code: it's a rewrite intended to offer features that Java developers expect.



Supporting members







JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

© Java User Group Switzerland