Jason van Zyl is the Founder and CTO of Sonatype, the leader in Java development infrastructure whose customers include Intuit, eBay, Qualcomm and E*Trade. Jason has over 10 years of experience in open source and proprietary enterprise software development. Prior to Sonatype, Jason provided software infrastructure development services to Fortune 500 companies such as Toyota Corp., Bank of America, and Coca-Cola Co.
An open source enthusiast, Jason is one of the founders of the Apache Maven project, and founder the Plexus IoC framework, and the Apache Velocity project. Jason currently serves as Chair of the Apache Maven Project Management Committee. He has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) for seven years, helped to found Codehaus, a well respected incubation facility for open source community projects, and is a frequent speaker at many major software conferences, including JavaOne, EclipseCon, EmergingTech, and ApacheCon.
KEYWORDS: Concept, Tools, Technology
AGENDA: | 18:00 - 19:30h: Talk incl. Q/A Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment. |
SPEAKER: Jason van Zyl COMPANY: Sonatype
All development organizations eventually converge on a set of tools to reduce costs, lower onboarding time, and leverage knowledge in strong communities to create standard processes. To this end we see in many organizations the emergence of a standard development stack consisting of Maven, M2Eclipse, Nexus & Hudson. In this talk, Jason van Zyl, founder of the Apache Maven project, will discuss the future of Maven and specifically Maven 3.x, the rapidly approaching M2Eclipse 1.0 release, the upcoming Nexus 1.4 release, and changes that have been made to Hudson to provide better interoperability with Maven. Sonatype itself leverages this stack on a daily basis and this discussion will focus not only on the tools individually, but how they can work together to create a best practices approach to building and delivering your software in your organization.
Talk and Slides in English
Jason van Zyl is the Founder and CTO of Sonatype, the leader in Java development infrastructure whose customers include Intuit, eBay, Qualcomm and E*Trade. Jason has over 10 years of experience in open source and proprietary enterprise software development. Prior to Sonatype, Jason provided software infrastructure development services to Fortune 500 companies such as Toyota Corp., Bank of America, and Coca-Cola Co.
An open source enthusiast, Jason is one of the founders of the Apache Maven project, and founder the Plexus IoC framework, and the Apache Velocity project. Jason currently serves as Chair of the Apache Maven Project Management Committee. He has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) for seven years, helped to found Codehaus, a well respected incubation facility for open source community projects, and is a frequent speaker at many major software conferences, including JavaOne, EclipseCon, EmergingTech, and ApacheCon.
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