Markus Knauer works as Eclipse developer and consultant at EclipseSource. There he is involved in the development of the Yoxos Eclipse Distribution and is working on multiple projects developing Eclipse-based SDKs.
He is project lead of the Eclipse Packaging Project and creates all those packages that can be downloaded from the Eclipse Foundation website, co-lead of the g-Eclipse project that is building a framework which allows to easily work in a Grid Computing or Cloud Computing environment, a member of the Eclipse Planning Council as representative for EclipseSource and elected member of the Architecture Council.
KEYWORDS: Technology, Tools, Research
AGENDA: | 18:00 - 19:00h: Talk incl. Q/A Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment. |
SPEAKER: Markus Knauer COMPANY: EclipseSource
SLIDES: 090428_epp_udc_vua.jugszurich.pdf
Wouldn't it be interesting to see and record your users interacting with your Eclipse RAP or Eclipse RCP application? You would see how often individual parts of the application are used, acquire indicators on the usability of your software and gain insights into how you can improve your user interface.
In this talk we introduce the Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) and describe how we are applying the EPP Usage Data Collector (UDC).With examples from our own applications, you will see how we can visualize and explore the data from our users interactively.
Talk in German, Slides in English
Markus Knauer works as Eclipse developer and consultant at EclipseSource. There he is involved in the development of the Yoxos Eclipse Distribution and is working on multiple projects developing Eclipse-based SDKs.
He is project lead of the Eclipse Packaging Project and creates all those packages that can be downloaded from the Eclipse Foundation website, co-lead of the g-Eclipse project that is building a framework which allows to easily work in a Grid Computing or Cloud Computing environment, a member of the Eclipse Planning Council as representative for EclipseSource and elected member of the Architecture Council.
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