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Simon Martinelli is a Java Champion, a Vaadin Champion, and an Oracle ACE Pro. He regularly shares his knowledge in articles, speaks at international conferences, and writes his blog: martinelli.ch. His current interest is increasing the efficiency of full-stack development with Java.

He owns 72 Services LLC and has worked as a software architect, developer, consultant, and trainer for three decades, especially in the Java Enterprise environment. In addition to his work, he is a lecturer at the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH and the University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland FHNW on modern architecture and integrating distributed systems, persistence technologies, and DevOps.

Upcoming Tuesday, 22.10.2024 18:15h (iCal)

CQRS Meets Modern Java

ROOM: PH Zürich, Lagerstrasse 2, 8090 Zürich, Building LAC, Room E071, Travel instructions
KEYWORDS: Architecture, Concept, Language

AGENDA:18:15-19:30h: Talk incl. Q/A
After a (hopefully) interesting talk, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with the speaker and professional colleagues over beer, wine and rich finger foods.

SPEAKER: Simon Martinelli   COMPANY: 72 Services GmbH

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is a proven design pattern that enables the clear separation of data changes (commands) and data queries (queries). This separation allows these responsibilities to be scaled and optimized independently. The application code is also structured more understandably, which improves maintainability.

This talk will deepen our understanding of the practical implementation of the CQRS principles using modern Java language features such as records, sealed classes, switch expressions, and pattern matching. An example application will demonstrate how the theoretical foundations of CQRS can be applied in practice and how this affects application design while increasing data access efficiency.

Many application APIs follow the REST principles and send resources back and forth as JSON. But what exactly is the API's meaning? That's where CQRS can help improve understandability.

LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en

Simon Martinelli is a Java Champion, a Vaadin Champion, and an Oracle ACE Pro. He regularly shares his knowledge in articles, speaks at international conferences, and writes his blog: martinelli.ch. His current interest is increasing the efficiency of full-stack development with Java.

He owns 72 Services LLC and has worked as a software architect, developer, consultant, and trainer for three decades, especially in the Java Enterprise environment. In addition to his work, he is a lecturer at the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH and the University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland FHNW on modern architecture and integrating distributed systems, persistence technologies, and DevOps.

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JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

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Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

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