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Dan Haywood is an independent consultant based in the UK, an ASF member and committer to Apache Causeway. He spends his days either cutting code or advising governments.

X (Twitter): @ApacheCauseway


Big things with tiny teams


AGENDA:18:00-19:15h: Talk incl. Q/A
After a (hopefully) interesting talk, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with the speaker and professional colleagues over beer, wine and rich finger foods.

SPEAKER: Dan Haywood   COMPANY: Haywood Associates Ltd
SLIDES: 241029_JugCh.BigThingsWithLittleTeams.AnIntroductionToApacheCauseway.pdf

I came across the naked objects pattern at a conference in 2002, and 2 years later we used an early version of the Naked Objects Framework to build the main benefits system for the Irish Government, still running 20+ years later and administering pensions and 40 other benefits.  And since 2012 we've developed an in-house ERP for Eurocommercial Properties on that early framework's successor, Apache Causeway, processing €500m of invoices each year.  All in a team averaging 2.5 FTE people.

You can think of naked objects a bit like an ORM, except it manages the presentation layer rather than persistence.  Not having to build the UI layer (or REST/GraphQL APIs) means that you can focus on what really matters, the core business domain.

In this talk, I'll introduce you to Apache Causeway, itself built upon Spring Boot, with live coding and anecdotes along the way.

LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en

Dan Haywood is an independent consultant based in the UK, an ASF member and committer to Apache Causeway. He spends his days either cutting code or advising governments.

X (Twitter): @ApacheCauseway


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8000 Zürich

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