events were organized by JUG Switzerland during 2024.

Martin Štefanko has worked on Red Hat’s middleware portfolio for the last 7 years. He started with WildFly and JBoss EAP application servers, where he got a lot of hands-on experience with many technologies and libraries that were included in these distributions. These libraries eventually came to be also included in Quarkus (through WildFly Swarm and later Thorntail, to which he was a contributor). He has contributed to Quarkus since version 0.12.0 and is responsible for the SmallRye Health extension. He has also contributed to several other core extensions, mostly around MicroProfile integration. He is a MicroProfile committer leading the MicroProfile Health specification.


Building reactive microservices with MicroProfile


AGENDA:18:15-19:30h: Talk incl. Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.

SPEAKER: Martin Štefanko   COMPANY: Red Hat
SLIDES: 230504_Reactive_Microservices_Martin_Stefanko.pdf
MORE: https://github.com/xstefank/quarkus-coffeeshop-demo/tree/2023-05-04-Zurich-complete

Modern microservices applications need to be able to adjust to change. It doesn’t matter whether these changes concern functional requirements, fluctuating load, or more frequently network and service failures. The system should be able to remain responsive in every situation as defined in the Reactive Manifesto. The reactive programming has recently become a popular programming paradigm. In the Java world, there are already a few options the users can choose from when creating reactive applications like Reactive eXtensions or Reactive Streams.

In this session, we will introduce a new set of APIs created under Eclipse MicroProfile called the MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators (the manipulation of Reactive Streams) and the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging (the development model that allows CDI beans to produce, consume, and process messages) together with the rationale why they are needed in the MicroProfile portfolio and a practical live coded demonstration.

LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en

Martin Štefanko has worked on Red Hat’s middleware portfolio for the last 7 years. He started with WildFly and JBoss EAP application servers, where he got a lot of hands-on experience with many technologies and libraries that were included in these distributions. These libraries eventually came to be also included in Quarkus (through WildFly Swarm and later Thorntail, to which he was a contributor). He has contributed to Quarkus since version 0.12.0 and is responsible for the SmallRye Health extension. He has also contributed to several other core extensions, mostly around MicroProfile integration. He is a MicroProfile committer leading the MicroProfile Health specification.


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JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

© Java User Group Switzerland