Mario Gray is currently a Principal Technologist for Pivotal. Mario has worked in software for startups and large financial services enterprises alike working across the stack from server/network design to application design. He's professionally written software to entertain, bring people together, and drive businesses using technologies like Linux/Solaris,SQL/NOSQL,AWS/SALT,Spring/J2EE. Mario is confident that the future of cloud computing belongs to Pivotal and the Spring team for some time to come. A longtime open-source champion, Mario is co-author of Apress’ Pro-Spring Integration, as well as a contributor to the Spring and Integration projects.
Twitter: @mariogray
Bruno Borges is part of the Microsoft Azure Cloud Developer Advocacy group leading a team of great Java advocates in a mission to help Microsoft engineers enhance and advance the Azure developer experience for Java developers. Conference speaker, open source contributor, Java influencer, Twitter junkie, beer sommelier. Before Microsoft, Bruno was Oracle’s Product Manager responsible of Developer Relations Strategy for Oracle Cloud, Java, governance of open source projects on GitHub, and all things related to application development with Oracle technologies.
Twitter: @brunoborges
KEYWORDS: Meeting, Technology
AGENDA: | 17:30 - 18:15 Talk 1 18:15 - 18:45 Break with drinks and food 18:45 - 19:30 Talk 2 from 19:30 Fading out with drinks |
Great speakers from Microsoft and Pivotal make a tour through Java user groups in Europe. they visit UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, and Switzerland. On October 19th, Bruno Borges (@brunoborges) from Microsoft and Mario Gray (@mariogray) from Pivotal make a last stop in Switzerland. Don't miss this unique event in Bern and let's end their tour and the week together with exciting talks accompanied with drinks and food.
The two experts will give the following talks:
SPEAKER: Mario Gray COMPANY: Pivotal
Reactive programming offers Java developers a way to build message-driven, elastic, resilient, and responsive services...yet many Java developers don't know where to begin. The Reactive Streams initiative provides a baseline and Project Reactor provides a great way to become immediately productive, leveraging reactive capabilities from end to end. Whether you're coming from a Spring MVC environment or a functional perspective, Reactor empowers you to spin up fully reactive Spring Boot 2 applications quickly and efficiently.
LEVEL OF TALK: Intermediate p>LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en
SPEAKER: Bruno Borges COMPANY: Microsoft
Found your app built and ready for deployment? It's time to take them for a spin! Whether you pack and deploy as a Docker container, standalone or on Kubernetes, you will learn and see first-hand what open source tools and services are available for bringing your apps to the Cloud with ease and full DevOps pipeline. This talk will bring you up to speed with current best practices for Cloud Native deployment on Azure, and upcoming features.
LEVEL OF TALK: Intermediate p>LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en
Mario Gray is currently a Principal Technologist for Pivotal. Mario has worked in software for startups and large financial services enterprises alike working across the stack from server/network design to application design. He's professionally written software to entertain, bring people together, and drive businesses using technologies like Linux/Solaris,SQL/NOSQL,AWS/SALT,Spring/J2EE. Mario is confident that the future of cloud computing belongs to Pivotal and the Spring team for some time to come. A longtime open-source champion, Mario is co-author of Apress’ Pro-Spring Integration, as well as a contributor to the Spring and Integration projects.
Twitter: @mariogray
Bruno Borges is part of the Microsoft Azure Cloud Developer Advocacy group leading a team of great Java advocates in a mission to help Microsoft engineers enhance and advance the Azure developer experience for Java developers. Conference speaker, open source contributor, Java influencer, Twitter junkie, beer sommelier. Before Microsoft, Bruno was Oracle’s Product Manager responsible of Developer Relations Strategy for Oracle Cloud, Java, governance of open source projects on GitHub, and all things related to application development with Oracle technologies.
Twitter: @brunoborges
JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.
JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.
JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.