AGENDA: | 17:30 Meet and Greet 17:50 Welcome/Intro: Ralph Müller (Eclipse Foundation), Matthias Zimmermann (BSI), Serano Colameo (itemis Schweiz) 18:00 Eclipse and Java™ 9, Dani Megert, IBM Research 18:30 Eclipse Vert.x: Hitchiker's Guide to Reactive Programming, Anatole Tresch, Trivadis AG 19:00 Machine Learning, Blockchain and Eclipse Scout, Matthias Zimmermann, bsi-software.com 19:20 Break: Soft drinks and snacks 19:40 JHipster IDE, Seraon Colamo and Jose Badeau, itemis Schweiz, Jeremie Bresson BSI Business Systems Integration AG 20:10 Language Servers - The promise of any language in any code editor, Karsten Thoms, itemis AG 20:30 Eclipse Science Working Group, Philip Wenig, OpenChrom 21:00 - 22:00 Networking (Beer, soft drinks and snacks) at HotPasta |
Engage in the Eclipse and Java community this Summer at the Oxygen DemoCamp in Zurich. If you are interested in Eclipse, Eclipse and Open Source, this is the event to attend in Switzerland.
During the break and after the talks enjoy the networking, free beer, food and the opportunity to meet the available speakers and project leads.
JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.
JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.
JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.