Juergen Hoeller is co-founder of the Spring Framework open source project and has been serving as the project lead and release manager for the core framework since 2003. Juergen is an experienced software architect and consultant with outstanding expertise in code organization, transaction management and enterprise messaging.
Agim Emruli is an experienced software developer, architect working with mimacom. During his career he has worked on different technology oriented companies in the field of commercial and open-source software. As a long term Spring user and contributor Agim is following the project since the beginnings and has been an former employee of Interface 21 / SpringSource.
João Silva is a software engineer working for CERN’s e-Business section within the Advanced Information Systems group, responsible for web and workflow applications development. Before joining CERN, he worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, focusing mainly on the design and development of enterprise-wide information systems. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, where he also served as a teaching assistant for an introductory programming course, titled Foundations of Programming.
Lukasz Burdzanowski has been on a road together with Java since his early days as junior programmer, web developer, system analyst, architect. Still passionate about Java and software engineering, since more than a year he enjoys working in Java eco-system and Oracle databases at the coolest place in the universe - CERN.
KEYWORDS: Technology, Lessons learned
This year, the World Wide Web is celebrating its 25th Anniversary. At CERN, the birthplace of the WWW, a half-day jug.ch event will take place. Together with our platinum sponsor mimacom and our generous host CERN we have set together a fascinating afternoon.
For this special occasion CERN is offering a guided tour to 30 interested jug.ch members. First come, first served. Please state your interest on the registration page.
Due to security restrictions, all participants will need to register for the Event before Mai 7th. Every participant will receive a personalized badge on site (we need surname, first name, nationality). For participants of the tour we also need the birth date.
SPEAKER: Jürgen Höller COMPANY: Pivotal Inc.
SPEAKER: Agim Emruli COMPANY: mimacom
Spring has a track record of providing dedicated support for new Java generations in a timely fashion, and now it's right about time to go Java 8: With Spring Framework 4.0, we're providing in-depth support for all relevant OpenJDK 8 features, including lambda expressions, JSR-310 Date and Time, parameter name discovery, and java.util.concurrent enhancements. This talk will start by illustrating basic Spring Framework 4.0 concepts, and selected Java 8 features within Spring's programming model, exploring the impact on application architectures.
Besides timely Java support Spring has been a long supporter of different runtime environments. This talk will continue with the introduction of Spring Boot, a project to run Spring application without any external container. Built on Spring Boot this talk introduces Spring XD a standalone platform to process high-volume data on different environment. The talk will conclude with the introduction of Pivotal CloudFoundry, a PAAS runtime environment for Spring applications.
p>LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en
At CERN, GS-AIS is a group responsible for developing, maintaining and supporting CERN administrative application in many areas such as HR, finance, security, access, purchasing, leave, etc.
The group has developed a custom framework using Grails, GWT and JavaScript to ease development of Administrative application (forms with many business, validation and access rules). In this presentation we will give an overview of the framework, its architecture, the decisions that were made along the way, and what are the future plans of the group for it.
p>LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en
SPEAKER: Lukasz Burdzanowski COMPANY: CERN
CERN Accelerators Logging Service (CALS) is a service which persists data of close to 1 million pre-defined signals coming from heterogeneous sources. These signals range from data related to core infrastructure such as electricity, to industrial data such as cryogenics and vacuum, to beam related data such as beam positions, currents, losses, etc.
Considerable part of the data are coming from multiple instances of Java Logging Processes, running in background continuously 24/7. Diagnostics of the processes is an essential requirement to provide a reliable service as CALS.
This presentation briefly discusses CEP and Esper - an open-source implementation of CEP engine, as well as a prototype of runtime diagnostics tool implemented with Esper. This diagnostics enables us with insight into event-driven environment of Logging processes, looking for possibly suspicious patterns and erratic behaviour within the whole system.
p>LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en
Juergen Hoeller is co-founder of the Spring Framework open source project and has been serving as the project lead and release manager for the core framework since 2003. Juergen is an experienced software architect and consultant with outstanding expertise in code organization, transaction management and enterprise messaging.
Agim Emruli is an experienced software developer, architect working with mimacom. During his career he has worked on different technology oriented companies in the field of commercial and open-source software. As a long term Spring user and contributor Agim is following the project since the beginnings and has been an former employee of Interface 21 / SpringSource.
João Silva is a software engineer working for CERN’s e-Business section within the Advanced Information Systems group, responsible for web and workflow applications development. Before joining CERN, he worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, focusing mainly on the design and development of enterprise-wide information systems. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, where he also served as a teaching assistant for an introductory programming course, titled Foundations of Programming.
Lukasz Burdzanowski has been on a road together with Java since his early days as junior programmer, web developer, system analyst, architect. Still passionate about Java and software engineering, since more than a year he enjoys working in Java eco-system and Oracle databases at the coolest place in the universe - CERN.
JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.
JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.
JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.