Markus is IT and knowledge architect, has more than 3 decades of IT experience and lived through the last two big paradigm shifts from Assembler over structured programming to object-oriented programming.
Having his roots in theoretical physics, he is addicted to simple, shared and expressive modelling, and with his company "", supports others to make their [first?] semantic steps more successful.
KEYWORDS: Meeting, Networking, Services
AGENDA: | Vortrag und Essen ab 19:00 |
SPEAKER: Markus Pilzecker COMPANY:
The roots of semantics go back to the old Greeks two and a half millenia ago.
There have been several renaissances over history, with important theoretical contributions over time by Boole, Frege, Peirce, ... .
We all know the two recent practical IT renaissances: the now omnipresent relational databases with their entity-relationship modelling and model driven architecture based on Meta-Object-Facility-centric OMG standards.
The undeniable success of RDBs is a limited one: they are firewalled away of each other with lots of technoid content, "secret" and unflexible meta-models ("schemata") and little reuse. MDA did a brilliant job wrt. meta-modelling, but there, abstraction seems to have lost the race against agilism on the market.
Now, semantic web approaches promise to be the paradigm shift, which is to solve the[?] problems of our new global, netized data society.
In this talk, we will quickly sketch, what meta-modelling is, and use it to introduce into some elementary foundations of the semantic web, particularly RDF and OWL. This shall give us a rough idea, where semantic methods can help us, and where it's better to stay "classic".
A second talk is planned to follow, which will sketch some possible application scenaria and a bit of the tool landscape, which has reached a level of maturity, that can make the now 10 year old Berners-Lee idea of the semantic web happen.
Markus is IT and knowledge architect, has more than 3 decades of IT experience and lived through the last two big paradigm shifts from Assembler over structured programming to object-oriented programming.
Having his roots in theoretical physics, he is addicted to simple, shared and expressive modelling, and with his company "", supports others to make their [first?] semantic steps more successful.
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