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Andrey is the lead language designer working on Project Kotlin at JetBrains. He also works on making the Java language better, serving as a Java Community Process expert in a group for JSR-335 ("Project Lambda"). In what spare time is left he tries to make sure that his traveling is not all about work and teaches programming to high-school children. Used to teach OOP/Software Design at a university, but currently switched to speaking at software conferences. Audiences of Devoxx, OSCON, StrangeLoop, Jfokus and other events gave warm reception to his talks on Kotlin, programming languages and foundations of software engineering.


Introduction to Kotlin

A possible successor for Java

KEYWORDS: Concept, Technology, Tools

AGENDA:18:15 - 19:45h: Talk incl. Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.

SPEAKER: Andrey Breslav   COMPANY: JetBrains
SLIDES: http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/Kotlin/Talks+and+Publications

Some years ago "alternative" programming languages for the JVM lived mostly in research labs and garages, industry knew about some of them, sometimes even used them, but never produced them. Recently, the trend has changed: new languages are backed by industrial vendors. To put it another way: the time has come for a new JVM language, and there are a few projects competing in this field. One of them is Kotlin, backed by JetBrains, a leading IDE vendor.

Kotlin is a modern statically typed language targeting JVM and JavaScript and intended for industrial use. The main goal behind this project is to create a language that would be a good tool for developers, i.e. will be safe, concise, flexible, 100% Java-compatible and well-supported by IDE and other tooling. Kotlin is an open-source project started developed JetBrains with the help of the community.

This session demonstrates the key features of Kotlin and provides a comparison to other "alternative" JVM languages.
Among others things, it covers

  • Static null-safety
  • Extension functions
  • Higher-order functions and type-safe builders
  • Smart casts: Kotlin's lightweight pattern matching
  • Making Java APIs better with Kotlin
  • Developing mixed Kotlin/Java projects

To find out more about Kotlin, please refer to http://kotlin.jetbrains.org.

Jazoon'12 is approaching rapidly - jug ch profits from the many great speakers that come to Switzerland. This talk is held after the last day of Jazoon. (You do NOT need a Jazoon ticket for this event, it is a regular jug talk.)

LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en

Andrey is the lead language designer working on Project Kotlin at JetBrains. He also works on making the Java language better, serving as a Java Community Process expert in a group for JSR-335 ("Project Lambda"). In what spare time is left he tries to make sure that his traveling is not all about work and teaches programming to high-school children. Used to teach OOP/Software Design at a university, but currently switched to speaking at software conferences. Audiences of Devoxx, OSCON, StrangeLoop, Jfokus and other events gave warm reception to his talks on Kotlin, programming languages and foundations of software engineering.


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JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

© Java User Group Switzerland