Stefan F. Keller is a geo computer scientist, professor for information systems at HSR/Rapperswil/Switzerland, institute partner at IFS Institute for Software and a charter member at GISpunkt HSR.
His current field of actitvities are in databases, search engines, geo information systems, software development in Java and mobile systems and further education in various Master (MAS) and Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS).
AGENDA: | 16:00 - 17:15h: Talk incl. Q/A Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment. |
SPEAKER: Stefan Keller COMPANY: Dozent an der HSR; Institutspartner Institut für Software
SLIDES: 071207_db4o.pdf
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Stefan F. Keller is a geo computer scientist, professor for information systems at HSR/Rapperswil/Switzerland, institute partner at IFS Institute for Software and a charter member at GISpunkt HSR.
His current field of actitvities are in databases, search engines, geo information systems, software development in Java and mobile systems and further education in various Master (MAS) and Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS).
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