participiants have registered for our events so far in 2024


Past events 2021

Online   14.12.2021

Async Code Reviews Are Killing Your Company's Throughput

SPEAKER: Dragan Stepanović   COMPANY: HelloFresh

"Never had a PR over 300 LoC that didn't look good to me". We've all been there. The PR is so big you don't even bother commenting. It's already too late to build the quality in. You make a sad face, comment "LGTM", and click approve.


Luzern   24.11.2021

Java 17

Die relevanten Features der neuen LTS-Version

SPEAKER: Falk Sippach   COMPANY: embarc Software Consulting GmbH

KEYWORDS: Language, Open Source, Technology, Tools

Seit einigen Jahren kommen nun schon halbjährlich neue Java Major-Releases heraus. Dieses Vorgehen hat sich etabliert und funktioniert erstaunlich gut. Natürlich dürft Ihr nicht den Funktionsumfang von den früheren Versionen (9 und älter) erwarten. Dafür bekommt Ihr als Entwickler aber viel regelmässiger die nächsten Änderungen mit. In den Preview-Phasen kann sogar Feedback gegeben und somit die aktive Weiterentwicklung von Java mitgestaltet werden. Alle drei Jahre erscheinen zudem Long-Term-Support-Versionen, die länger mit Updates und Patches versorgt werden. Im Herbst 2021 stand mit der Version 17 wieder ein solches LTS-Release an, für welches in den letzten 3 Jahren jede Menge interessante neue Funktionen entwickelt wurden.


Online   23.11.2021

Bug Free

21 tricks to reduce the space available for bugs

SPEAKER: Johan Martinsson   COMPANY: Independent dev. Craftsman

KEYWORDS: Language, Lessons learned

Get rid of whole families of bugs for good with 21 tricks to reduce the space available for bugs.


Online   18.11.2021

Viele Wege führen vom Source Code zum Container Image

SPEAKER: Matthias Haeussler   COMPANY: Novatec Consulting GmbH

Ein typischer Workflow in moderner Software Entwicklung beinhaltet oft folgende Schritte: Den Code in eine git Repo, kompilieren, ein Container Image bauen, das Image in eine Registry und Deployment auf einen Kubernetes Cluster.


Online   09.11.2021

javax.measure bringt verständliche Einheiten in die Software

SPEAKER: Felix Schultze   COMPANY: bridgingIT GmbH

KEYWORDS: Language, Technology, Tools, Open Source

Einheiten im Code bieten immer wieder Herausforderungen. Wofür stand nochmal der eine “double” Wert, wofür der andere “int”? Sind die Dinger “Metrisch”, im “U.S. customary system” oder was ganz eigenes? In diesem Vortrag soll ein Überblick über die Möglichkeiten ausgehend von der Java API javax.measure gegeben werden. Ausserdem soll darauf eingegangen werden, wie man die Werte persistiert oder auch in Frontend Clients (v.a. Angular, aber nicht nur) benutzen kann. Und die wichtigste Frage: Was hat das Ganze mit der Raumfahrt zu tun?!?!?!?


Online   02.11.2021

Mistakes and Trade-offs when optimizing the hot-path

When premature optimization becomes early optimization

SPEAKER: Tomasz Lelek   COMPANY: Datastax

KEYWORDS: Methods, Tools, Lessons learned, Architecture

When we are building our systems, the performance requirements are essential.

Having SLA’s data, we can build performance tests in a way that allows us to reason about the system before production deployment. An important observation related to many systems is that the code that brings most of the business value often occupies a small percentage of the whole codebase. This observation is based on the Pareto principle and was validated in many business domains, not only software engineering.


Online   26.10.2021

Remote Pair Programming

SPEAKER: Adrian Bolboacă   COMPANY: Mozaic Works

Pair programming is great when done well and awful when done... not so well.


Online   19.10.2021

Architecturally-evident Java Applications with jMolecules

SPEAKER: Oliver Drotbohm   COMPANY: VMware Tanzu

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Methods, Technology, Tools

Java applications are usually written using a certain framework or at least based on a particular platform. Some of them provide means to express architectural concepts, but usually, there's a gap between architectural and design patterns and the actual code. Closing that gap is a challenge, and it's hard to separate code from technology.


Online   29.09.2021

7 techniques to tame a Legacy codebase

SPEAKER: Nicolas Carlo   COMPANY: Centered

KEYWORDS: Lessons learned

We spend most of our time changing existing code. Often, there’s no test and the authors are long gone! It feels like a pain because you're always in a hurry, rushing to ship new features and bug fixes before the end of the Sprint… But what if you had a secret weapon? Let me share with you 7 concrete techniques that will help you regain control of any Legacy.


Zürich   28.09.2021

The Art of Software Reviews


KEYWORDS: Architecture

Jede Software besitzt „Potenzial“, also „besser geht immer“. Aber bevor wir anfangen, wild an unseren Systemen zu verschlimmbessern, benötigen wir zuerst einen ordentlichen Überblick über dessen Stärken und Schwächen.


Zürich   15.09.2021

Why Jakarta EE Developers are First-Class Citizens on Azure

SPEAKER: Edward Burns   COMPANY: Microsoft

Jakarta/Java EE is an important technology to support on Azure. Enterprise Java is a heterogenous ecosystem with as much as a third of workloads still running on Jakarta EE application servers such as WebLogic, WebSphere/Open Liberty, JBoss EAP, WildFly, and Payara. This is particularly true for large enterprises that need to lift and shift their existing mission-critical, largely monolithic applications to Azure. Traditionally, Azure has not focused on strong support for such workloads but that is changing now and going forward.


Basel   14.09.2021

How Microsoft Learned to Love Java

Is their money green?

SPEAKER: Edward Burns   COMPANY: Microsoft

This session is a fast-paced tour of all things Java and Azure at the modern Microsoft of today. We will first talk about the why, how and what of Java and Microsoft. We will then dive right into the broad range of tools, services and APIs that Microsoft offers around Azure for Java developers. We will show a small but representative demo of a Java application most developers would feel familiar with running well on Azure. Lastly, we will discuss the road map for what Java developers can expect from Microsoft in the future. This session is as much about sharing what Microsoft offers today as it is about listening to what the Java community wants to see from Microsoft tomorrow.


Luzern   13.09.2021

Why Jakarta EE Developers are First-Class Citizens on Azure

SPEAKER: Edward Burns   COMPANY: Microsoft

Jakarta/Java EE is an important technology to support on Azure. Enterprise Java is a heterogenous ecosystem with as much as a third of workloads still running on Jakarta EE application servers such as WebLogic, WebSphere/Open Liberty, JBoss EAP, WildFly, and Payara. This is particularly true for large enterprises that need to lift and shift their existing mission-critical, largely monolithic applications to Azure. Traditionally, Azure has not focused on strong support for such workloads but that is changing now and going forward.


Zürich   09.09.2021

CH Open Workshop-Tage 2021

in Zusammenarbeit mit jug.ch

SPEAKER 1: Jürg Ritter   COMPANY: Red Hat
SPEAKER 2: Reto Kessler   COMPANY: Now.New.Next
SPEAKER 3: Claire Born   COMPANY: Now.New.Next
SPEAKER 4: Christian Heitzmann   COMPANY: SimplexaCode AG
SPEAKER 5: Thorben Stangenberg   COMPANY: 42talents.com
SPEAKER 6: Michael IndenSPEAKER 7: Boris Rudolf   COMPANY: Baloise Group
SPEAKER 8: Florian Bruhin   COMPANY: Bruhin Software
SPEAKER 9: Florian Kammermann   COMPANY: Swisscom
SPEAKER 10: Christiane Pousa Ribeiro   COMPANY: Swisscom
SPEAKER 11: Arthur Gassmann   COMPANY: Swisscom
SPEAKER 12: Raphael Ritter   COMPANY: 2BIT GmbH
SPEAKER 13: Raphael Ritter   COMPANY: 2BIT GmbH
SPEAKER 14: Felix Egli   COMPANY: 2BIT GmbH

KEYWORDS: Hands-On, Technology, Lessons learned, Tools

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Prozesse werden mittlerweile in vielen Softwareentwicklungsprozessen gelebt. Ein wichtiger Baustein für diese Prozesse ist ein Build Tool wie Jenkins. Ein solches Build Tool hilft beim Builden, Testen, Releasen und Deployen von Software.


Zürich   08.09.2021

CH Open Workshop-Tage 2021

in Zusammenarbeit mit jug.ch

SPEAKER 1: Daniel Eichhorn   COMPANY: ThingPulse GmbH
SPEAKER 2: Marcel Stör   COMPANY: ThingPulse GmbH
SPEAKER 3: Philipp Murkowsky   COMPANY: Puzzle ITC GmbH
SPEAKER 4: Thorben Stangenberg   COMPANY: 42talents GmbH
SPEAKER 5: Michael IndenSPEAKER 6: Roman Bertolami   COMPANY: dsi engineering ag
SPEAKER 7: Florian Lüscher   COMPANY: dsi engineering ag
SPEAKER 8: Matthias Graf   COMPANY: ti&m
SPEAKER 9: Simon Schlauri   COMPANY: Ronzani Schlauri Anwälte
SPEAKER 10: Daniel Ronzani   COMPANY: Ronzani Schlauri Anwälte
SPEAKER 11: Remo Schenker   COMPANY: Zühlke Engineering AG
SPEAKER 12: Bernhard Lutzmann   COMPANY: Freelancer
SPEAKER 13: Danilo Biella   COMPANY: SPF-Consulting
SPEAKER 14: Dravec Barbara   COMPANY: Technit Discovery Engine GmbH
SPEAKER 15: Benjamin Affolter   COMPANY: acend.ch
SPEAKER 16: Johann Gyger   COMPANY: acend.ch

KEYWORDS: Hands-On, Technology, Lessons learned, Tools

Der ESP32 ist ein äusserst vielseitiger und kostengünstiger Mikrcontroller, der sich hervorragend für verschiedenste IoT Projekte eignet. Er bringt nicht nur ein WiFi Modul mit, sondern verfügt auch über zahlreiche Erweiterungen gegenüber seinem „kleinen Bruder“ ESP8266: Bluetooth, mehr RAM, Dual Core Prozessor, Ultra Low Power Kern und mehr I/O Pins ermöglichen es viele spannende Projekte zu entwickeln.


Zürich   07.09.2021

CH Open Workshop-Tage 2021

in Zusammenarbeit mit jug.ch

SPEAKER 1: Paolo Carta   COMPANY: Freelance Consultant
SPEAKER 2: Michael IndenSPEAKER 3: Matteo Baiguini   COMPANY: Swissblock Technologies
SPEAKER 4: Patrick Baumgartner   COMPANY: 42talents
SPEAKER 5: Mohamed Ben Hajla   COMPANY: Euraconsult
SPEAKER 6: Justus Graumann   COMPANY: Swiss RE
SPEAKER 7: Sascha Demarmels   COMPANY: Kommunikation 3.0
SPEAKER 8: Matthias Aerni   COMPANY: agilepower Consulting
SPEAKER 9: Markus Leutwyler   COMPANY: makehumantechnology.org
SPEAKER 10: Jonas Felix   COMPANY: letsboot.com

KEYWORDS: Hands-On, Technology, Lessons learned, Tools

Kubernetes is becoming the de-facto standard in order to run and manage applications at scale.
It was designed to run stateless applications abstracting the underlying infrastructure and automate all operational tasks. Nowadays, it is used to run almost every type of application, including stateful workloads.


Online   02.09.2021

Debugging distributed systems

SPEAKER: Bert Jan Schrijver   COMPANY: OpenValue

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Lessons learned, Technology, Tools

Nowadays, most software projects are distributed systems: components are located on different networked computers which communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages.


Online   24.08.2021

Application behaviour: exposed

Delight everyone with insightful dashboards

SPEAKER: Etienne Dysli Metref   COMPANY: SWITCH

KEYWORDS: Methods, Open Source, Technology, Tools

What's your application doing when you're not looking? It produces usage data that's just there, waiting to be brought to light! In this talk, we'll explore multi-dimensional monitoring tools and how they help us make sense of application metrics from an operational view as well as from a business perspective. We'll see how simple integrations like metrics from a Spring Boot application collected by Prometheus and visualised with Grafana can net you quick insights into what happens in production. Adding your own metrics is now easier with Micrometer, this allows us to measure what the business cares about and help inform their decisions. Instrument your code and run that dashboard you've been dreaming of!


Online   14.07.2021

Java After Eleven

SPEAKER: Nicolai Parlog   COMPANY: nipafx

Most projects that updated past Java 8 decided to stick to the LTS release 11. The new cadence created the illusion of not much happening after that, but nothing could be further from the truth - with new language features like switch expressions, text blocks, records, and sealed classes, Java is moving faster than ever.


Online   29.06.2021

An Introduction to Residuality Theory

Toward a science of architecture

SPEAKER: Barry O’Reilly   COMPANY: Black Tulip Technology

KEYWORDS: Architecture

Residuality theory is a revolutionary new theory of software design that aims to make it easier to design software systems for complex business environments.


Online   22.06.2021

The future of programming

by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)

SPEAKER: Robert C. Martin   COMPANY: Uncle Bob Consulting LCC

Walk through the past with Uncle Bob as he describes the history of software development, and uses that as a trajectory to plot the future of Software, Agile, and Software Craftsmanship.


Online   08.06.2021

Coffee to go mit einem Schäumchen aus der Cloud

Cloud basierte Funktionserweiterung von Kaffemaschinen mit Kafka und Kubernetes

SPEAKER 1: Patrick Wachsmuth   COMPANY: Schaerer AG
SPEAKER 2: Jonas Alder   COMPANY: Zühlke Engineering AG

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Lessons learned, Technology

Früh auf den Beinen - und kein Kaffee? Von wegen!


Online   25.05.2021

Connascence: beyond Coupling and Cohesion

SPEAKER: Marco Consolaro   COMPANY: ALCOR academy

KEYWORDS: Architecture

There are many concepts, principles and rules to discuss the design of source code.
Like SOLID, Code Smells, Cohesion and Coupling, LCOM4, and so on...


Online   20.05.2021

Triple JUG – 3 Länder, 3 Newcomer, 3 Sessions

3 Kurzvorträge aus drei Ländern

SPEAKER 1: Alexander Rothe   COMPANY: Spread Group
SPEAKER 2: Javid Asgarov   COMPANY: ATOS
SPEAKER 3: Donato Wolfisberg   COMPANY: CSS-Versicherung

KEYWORDS: Language, Technology, Methods

Dieser Event ist etwas ganz besonderes! Zusammen mit zwei anderen Java User Groups, einer aus Deutschland und einer aus Österreich, führen wir ein gemeinsames Online-Event mit drei Kurzvorträgen durch. Jede der drei User Groups stellt dabei einen Redner. Wir möchten Mitglieder unserer User Groups fördern, selbst Vorträge zu halten und hoffen, damit Raum bieten zu können


Online   19.05.2021

Real World Event-Driven Clean Architecture

SPEAKER 1: Matthias Brun   COMPANY: dsi engineering ag
SPEAKER 2: Florian Lüscher   COMPANY: dsi engineering ag

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Concept, Hands-On, Lessons learned

Event-Driven und Clean Architecture sind aktuell ziemlich populär, aber wie sieht die Umsetzung einer solchen Anwendung in der Praxis aus? Dieser Vortrag zeigt anhand der Steuerungssoftware eines automatisiertes Kleinteilelagers, wie diese Konzepte mit Java umgesetzt werden können. Kein Demo Beispiel sondern produktiver Code, welcher tausende von Lagerbewegungen pro Tag koordiniert.


Online   11.05.2021

Entwickle In-Memory Datenbank-Applikationen & Microservices mit Java und MicroStream

SPEAKER: Markus Kett   COMPANY: MicroStream Software GmbH

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Open Source, Product, Tools

Seit 20 Jahren ist Java die führende Programmiersprache. Dennoch wird Java den Ruf nicht los, kompliziert, schwergewichtig, träge und speicherhungrig zu sein. Und nun scheinen auch noch andere Sprachen und vor allem moderne Serverless-Ansätze Java mehr und mehr den Rang abzulaufen. Wie steht es tatsächlich um Java, wie gut eignet sich Java für die Cloud, wie geht es mit Java weiter und warum sollte man auch in Zukunft auf Java setzen?


Online   05.05.2021

Die neue Schule der Softwarearchitektur

Über Architekturarbeit in agilen Kontexten

SPEAKER: Stefan Toth   COMPANY: embarc

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Concept, Methods

In der heutigen Architekturpraxis sind unterschiedliche Denkschulen und Hintergründe anzutreffen. Vertreter der klassischen Architektursicht gehen dabei drastisch anders mit Architekturproblemen um, als es Vertreter der neuen Schule machen, die in Start-ups und „IT First“-Unternehmen groß geworden sind.


Online   27.04.2021

Fireside chat with Sandro Mancuso

SPEAKER: Sandro Mancuso   COMPANY: codurance

KEYWORDS: Meeting, Networking, Lessons learned

We will have an online fireside chat with Sandro in the first hour of this online event. You can ask questions live to him via the Q&A Tab, and he will try to answer them at his best and share his huge knowledge and insights. You can also just watch the discussion and don’t have to actively participate.


Online   13.04.2021

Docs-as-Code, arc42, AsciiDoc, Gradle & Co. im Einsatz

SPEAKER: Ralf D. Müller   COMPANY: DB Systel

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Methods, Technology, Tools

Der Vortrag zeigt, wie Du die Qualität Deiner Dokumentation erhöhst und gleichzeitig den Aufwand zur Pflege reduzierst, indem Du Deine Dokumentation genauso wie Deinen Code verwaltest und in den Build integrierst. Anhand des Beispiels einer Architekturdokumentation, zeigt Ralf, wie Du mit dem arc42-Template im AsciiDoc-Format und Gradle als Build-Tool einfach Diagramme in Ihre Dokumentation integrierst, Stakeholder-spezifische Dokumente erzeugst und verschiedene Ausgabeformate generierst. Reviewfähige PDF-Dokumente? Publishing nach Confluence? Integration einer Präsentation? Alles kein Problem! Einige Teile der Doku kannst Du sogar automatisiert testen!


Online   30.03.2021

Good Habits for Developers

SPEAKER: Alex Bolboaca   COMPANY: Mozaic Works

The human brain is habit-driven. We know from recent research that habits are quasi-impossible to break; they can only be replaced by other habits. We also know that you are driven by habits for most of the time during the day, often without even noticing. Some of these habits are not helpful or even harmful. Many programmers I know only grow to 10% of their potential due to their bad habits.


Online   25.03.2021

Mitgliederversammlung 2021

Stimmberechtigte Mitglieder sind herzlich eingeladen, an der diesjährigen Versammlung teilzunehmen - Gäste - auch Mitarbeiter von Firmenmitgliedern -, welche nicht stimmberechtigt sind, können wir leider situationsbedingt dieses Jahr keine zulassen.


Online   24.03.2021

Time Travel Debugging Java Applications

A new breed of debuggers let you step and run backwards as well as forwards to see exactly what your code really did.

SPEAKER: Greg Law   COMPANY: Undo Ltd

KEYWORDS: Methods, Tools, Technology

Time-travel debugging gives you programming superpowers. Capture a machine-level recording of the execution of a process, load the recording into your IDE to replay and rewind the tape, stepping or running backwards and forwards. Go to any line of code that executed, and see any piece of program state. The most difficult bugs - including race conditions, logic errors, and intermittent exceptions - can be tracked back to their root cause with ease. Perfect for fixing intermittent/non-repeatable test failures in CI ("flaky tests") or hard-to-reproduce failures in production, or collaborating with colleagues remotely and asynchronously. Fix in minutes what would have taken hours, or in hours what would have taken weeks or months.


Online   09.03.2021

Drei Patterns für skalierbare Microservices

SPEAKER: Thorben Janssen   COMPANY: freischaffender Consultant

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Concept, Technology

Wenn Sie skalierbare und unabhängige Microservices implementieren, wird der Datenaustausch zwischen diesen schnell zu einer Herausforderung. Sie müssen die Konsistenz sicherstellen, aber verteilte Transaktionen erzeugen eine enge Kopplung und sind keine Option mehr. Das Gleiche gilt für synchrone Service-Aufrufe.


Online   02.03.2021

Unlock Refactoring and Level Up Your Game

SPEAKER: Victor Rentea   COMPANY: Homepage

To survive in a codebase we have to refactor continuously, we know that since the Extreme Programming days. But what stops us from doing so? In this talk, Victor summarizes what he learned discussing Clean Code and Refactoring with hundreds of teams from many countries. You'll find ideas to tackle a surprisingly broad spectrum of factors: technical, cultural, psychological, emotional, social, and even political. Using these you might unlock the freedom to refactor for you or your colleagues.


Online   25.02.2021

(Remote) Mob Programming

Building Teams and Keeping Teams Together

SPEAKER: Thomas Much   COMPANY: muchsoft

KEYWORDS: Agile, Methods

Mob Programming is a way of truly collaborating for whole teams. But - why should we care? We are a team already, aren't we? Well... Our aim with software development is to deliver the most important feature quickly and in good quality to our customers. Reality looks different, though: Individual workload is maximized, the developers work on too many tasks at the same time. Half-baked features annoy our customers. Developers are fixing bugs around the clock, there's just no time for feature development.


Online   16.02.2021

jQAssistant - Double Feature

SPEAKER 1: Dirk Mahler   COMPANY: Buschmais GbR
SPEAKER 2: Stephan Pirnbaum   COMPANY: Buschmais GbR

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Open Source, Technology, Tools

Bereits im Oktober hatten wir mit Thomas Much und seinem Vortrag zu ArchUnit ein Vertreter für Tools aus der Ecke Validierung von Softwarestrukturen. Es kam öfters die Frage auf, wie sich ArchUnit mit jQAssistant vergleichen lässt. Aus diesem Grund sind wir sehr erfreut, dass wir mit Dirk Mahler und Stephan Pirnbaum zwei Vertreter aus dem jQAssistant-Umfeld für einen Talk verpflichten konnten um diese Fragen zu klären.


Online   01.02.2021

Kubernetes Operators? in Java?

Hold my mouse and look

SPEAKER: Jonathan Vila   COMPANY: RedHat

KEYWORDS: Concept, Technology, Services, Tools

Do you want YOUR app easily deployable in Kubernetes or Openshift ? Do you want to control how it scale, deploy and update in an automated way ? Do you want to have your app in a cloud market ? » Then Kubernetes Operators are for YOU.


Online   26.01.2021

TDD: seriously, try it!

SPEAKER: Nacho Cougil   COMPANY: Dynatrace

KEYWORDS: Concept, Hands-On, Lessons learned, Methods

Have you heard of TDD? Are you interested or familiar with this practice but have never been able to understand it?


Online   21.01.2021

A Change-Data-Capture Use-Case: Designing an Evergreen Cache

SPEAKER: Nicolas Frankel   COMPANY: Hazelcast

KEYWORDS: Architecture, Open Source, Technology, Tools

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database.



Supporting members







JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

© Java User Group Switzerland