events were organized by JUG Switzerland during 2024 so far.

Marit van Dijk is a Developer Advocate at JetBrains. She is a software developer with 20 years of experience in different roles and companies. She loves building awesome software with amazing people and has contributed to open-source projects like Cucumber and various other projects. She enjoys learning new things as well as sharing knowledge on programming, test automation, Cucumber/BDD, and software engineering. She speaks at international conferences, in webinars, and on podcasts, occasionally writes blog posts, and contributed to the book "97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know" (O'Reilly Media).

Twitter: @MaritvanDijk77
Mastodon: @maritvandijk@mastodon.social


Code Reading Workshop

KEYWORDS: Concept, Hands-On, Language, other Languages

AGENDA:Start: 18:15h, 2h workshop plus break with catering

SPEAKER: Marit van Dijk   COMPANY: JetBrains

As developers, we spend a lot of time learning to write code, while spending little to no time learning to read code. Meanwhile, we often spend more time reading code than actually writing it. Shouldn't we be spending at least the same amount of time and effort improving this skill? Deliberate practice can help us get better at reading code. Learning how to better read and understand code, can in turn teach us what makes code readable. This might even help us to write code that is easier to read.

Please don't forget to bring your notebook to get the most out of the workshop!

The number of participants is limited.

LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en

Marit van Dijk is a Developer Advocate at JetBrains. She is a software developer with 20 years of experience in different roles and companies. She loves building awesome software with amazing people and has contributed to open-source projects like Cucumber and various other projects. She enjoys learning new things as well as sharing knowledge on programming, test automation, Cucumber/BDD, and software engineering. She speaks at international conferences, in webinars, and on podcasts, occasionally writes blog posts, and contributed to the book "97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know" (O'Reilly Media).

Twitter: @MaritvanDijk77
Mastodon: @maritvandijk@mastodon.social


The presented topic is new to the audience or only little and superficial experience exists. This talk will mainly cover basic aspects of the topic and not go into much detail.

The presented topic is known to the audience, serious practical experience is expected. This talk might cover some basic aspects of the topic, but will as well go into depth and details.

The presented topic is well-known to the audience, serious practical experience and a deep understanding are required. This talk will not cover basics of the topic, but will go into depth, might discuss details, compare different approaches, and so on.

The topic presented is of interest to all levels and does not require any special prior knowledge.


Supporting members







JUG Switzerland aims at promoting the application of Java technology in Switzerland.

JUG Switzerland facilitates the sharing of experience and information among its members. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars and conferences. JUG Switzerland supports and encourages the cooperation between commercial organizations and research institutions.

JUG Switzerland is funded through membership fees.




Java User Group Switzerland
8000 Zürich

© Java User Group Switzerland